Thursday, June 18, 2009

New York City: Day 3

Friday morning began bright an early as the Younger Generation Chorus had a private rehearsal for a program we were offering that afternoon at the Calvary Baptist Church in downtown NYC. I was the accompanist for this program.

After our rehearsal, the kids practiced with the rest of the children's choirs. The grown-ups took the opportunity for some sight seeing without the kids. A few of us rode the subway to Wall Street to see the Trinity Church and St. Paul's Church. Trinity Church is the church made famous in the movie National Treasure with Nicolas Cage. I really enjoyed St. Paul's Church. This church is located adjacent to the site of the World Trade Center. It was built in 1765 and survived the great NYC fire (in which the Trinity church was destroyed) as well as the WTC bombings. Inside the church a museum of sorts has developed. This was the place where the search and rescue workers would go for respite and relief. It was also the place family members would place flyers looking for loved ones or memorializing them. It is also the site where George Washington worshiped. They have the pew in which he prayed sectioned off. It was really a neat place to visit and see in more detail than what was allotted on our bus tour of the city. I wish Anna could have seen this because I think it would have made an impression on her as to the significance of the events of 9-11.

At 1:00 that afternoon, we walked over to the church where we performed for the parents, and Emily Ellsworth, the guest conductor. I was excited to hear that I would be playing a concert Steinway piano that Van Cliburn played when he lived next to the church. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by how the piano played. It seemed as if it might be time to do some maintenance on the piano. Anyway, the choir sounded beautiful! Ms. Ellsworth really praised them for their attention to detail and their superior quality of tone. However, she did give the choir some fantastic feedback on "feeling the music" and being more engaging with their audience.

Following the concert, we all went to John's Pizzaria for lunch. After eating, the choir sang "You've Got a Friend" for the patrons of the restaurant. Many of the choir members then headed to Time Square for a little street performance, but Anna was itching to go to Chinatown and find herself a "designer" purse. We boarded the Subway for Chinatown and emerged from the subway into a whole 'nother world! We were quickly whisked away by a lady who promised us "purses..Gucci, Coach, Louis Vuitton, etc." The "designer" purses are often hidden in a van, under the floor, or in a small back room hidden from the street. Anna finally found the purse she was looking for "Juicy Couture." We headed back uptown to the Majestic Theatre where Anna and I saw Phantom of the Opera. She really enjoyed it a lot. I enjoyed it as well. Our seats were excellent and the Phantom did a really nice job. Carlotta was my favorite. She had the "Diva" role down pat!

After the concert we wondered around Time Square at night. Anna was bumped by a young kid who was suspiciously running away. A few seconds later, two men came sprinting behind him trying to catch him. I doubt they ever found him. It is easy to blend in the crowd there. We finally returned to the hotel and collapsed after a very busy day in the city!

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