Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cowboy Stadium Festivities

This was a really neat event to witness. The stadium is beautiful. Bret and I walked next to Pat Summerall and he said hello to us. I also was able to get my picture taken with Preston Pearson, #26, running back from 1975-1980. He was one of my favorites as a kid!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our most common visitor and a new addition

The House Finch seems to be our most frequent guest at our bird feeders.  For Mother's Day I got another bird feeder and we have started an experiment.  I have placed two different kinds of bird seed for the birds to choose from.  One is a berry blend and the other has various nuts in it.  So far, the House Finch doesn't care which feeder he goes to.  However, today we were visited by a new bird, it is a female Northern Cardinal.  The male Northern Cardinal is the traditional red color.  The female who visited us today spent all of her time at the berry blend birdseed.  She also stayed around a lot longer than the males, who usually just barely touch down for a quick bite and then they are gone.  It was fun to watch her!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Cardinal has Landed!

A beautiful red Cardinal visited our birdfeeder this evening to taste our specialty "Cardinal Mix."  I guess it really does attract Cardinals.  We can't wait to see what else will visit us.  This birdwatching is exciting!!

Bird Sighting

We saw a Red Winged Blackbird this morning! I can see I'm going to have to increase to bird seed budget.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Feed the Birds

I got a bird feeder for Mother's Day last year and I've always filled it with "cheap" birdseed from Lowes. I'd heard that if I wanted to attract a "higher class of birds" I had to provide a "higher class of food." So, last week I splurged at a local feed store and bought birdseed designed to attract Cardinals. While it has attracted some new species of birds (a lot of Finches), it also seems to attract the "usual suspects" including a large squirrel. Well, today while we were watching out the window and all the birds enjoying the food a bird that looked a lot like this one swooped by the window. This is a Yellow Grosbeak. It is actually a member of the Cardinal family. It was so cool! It seemed like it was just checking out the potential new food source. I hope it comes back again.